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Welcome To Year 6

 Welcome to Year 6! Croeso !

Welcome to the year 6 termly page.  Below are all the wonderful work the children have done and will be doing over this term.


In literacy we have been reading and will continue to read the fantastic novel “A Monster Calls” by Patrick Ness.  This is a beautiful book detailing a poignant story of love and loss, which explores difficult issues head on.  The book is an incredibly powerful novel and children become more and more invested in each twisting chapter.  We use the book as a teaching tool, drawing out students’ understanding of narrative structure and stories and their ability to infer meaning from the text. The novel lessons also invite children to write themselves – including a narrative description and poetry. 


In numeracy this term we have concentrated on the concepts of  ‘Fractions, Decimals & Percentages’.  The children have studied these as individual areas and learnt how they are all linked.  They have been applying these skills in a range of authentic and real-life scenarios.  They children have learnt how their savings can grow with compound interest, how to calculate discounted prices and even the population decrease of numerous wild animals here in Wales and across the globe.  Next, the children will be learning how ratio works and using the mean, median, mode and range to analyse and interpret stats and statistics.

Cynefin Project

This year the children will be involved in a year long ‘Cynefin’ project to symbolise and celebrate the importance of Welsh culture.  For this project the children will work collaboratively to produce a marketing campaign to promote Wales to the rest of the world as holiday destination.  The children will produce an E-brochure advertising some of Wales’s greatest attractions and landmarks.  Additionally they will research, cost and produce an adventure tour package for holiday makers, calculating the costs and profit of running the activities.  This will then accumulate in the children within their marketing teams designing and producing a website to house all their wonderful work.

 All Creatures Great & Small – Amazing Animals

In this fantastic  topic the children learn that the world around us is full of living things which depend on each other for survival.  They have learnt a wide range of concepts from the characteristics of living things, adaptation and  differences between living organisms.  The children have each selected their own animal to study for this topic and have carried out detailed research to learn a variety of information about the chosen animal.  The children will end the topic by producing an informative website about their animal for children of the school to use.  Below you can find a range of the activities we plan to take the children through this year.

Religious Education

This term in RE the children have been learning about the ‘Kingdom of God’.  Here children have studied the connections between biblical texts and the concept of the Kingdom of God.  The children have considered different possible meanings for the biblical texts studied, showing awareness of different interpretations.  They have been working on making clear connections between belief in the Kingdom of God and how Christians
put their beliefs into practice in different ways, including in
worship and in service to the community.

Additional information

Pendoylan CIWPS