Values, Ethos and Worship Group

At Pendoylan Church in Wales Primary School, we believe it is important for pupils to have greater roles in school decision-making. We appreciate that pupils have ideas and opinions on issues that matter both within the school environment and in the wider community. We therefore give pupils an active role in determining actions that will have a positive impact on their well being and in turn their social, moral and spiritual growth.
Our Values, Ethos and Worship Group is made up of elected representatives of pupils from Years 2 through to Year 6.
The Values, Ethos and Worship Group meets fortnightly with Mrs Harris to plan and work towards achieving the yearly targets that they have agreed.
In 2023 – 2024 the Group agreed the following actions-
- To plan and lead Whole School Worships using ‘The Pop Box.’
- To organise a Foodbank collection for Christmas.
- To lead Picture News in Class Worship.
- To organise the Home Start Cymru Christmas Appeal.
- To help create a reflection area for the Foundation Phase.
The children planned and delivered worship around Bible stories such as The Feeding of the 5,000 and Jesus calming the storm.
The Christmas Foodbank Appeal was so successful and members of the group along with Mrs Vaughan and a Governor, took a van full of food gifts to the local foodbank.
The Home Start Cymru Christmas Appeal was also extremely successful and the donations of Christmas gifts were amazing!
The Reception and Year 1 Classes were so pleased to have the pictures and signs that the Values, Ethos and Worship Group designed and made for their reflection garden.
The Values, Ethos and Worship Group targets for 2024-2025 are:
- To organise a Christmas Foodbank Appeal.
- To plan and lead some worship every term including the use of ‘I Sing Pop.’
- To further develop the prayer garden and organise a rota for use and supervision.
- To organise a sponsored event for Christian Aid eg a Bring and Buy Sale.
- To create prayer spaces in the school during special prayer week.
- To create a new whole school prayer to be said in Collective Worship.
- To work towards achieving the Schools of Sanctuary Award.