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Your school governors

The role of the Governing Body is established in law and gives Governors wide-ranging statutory duties and responsibilities, including a key requirement to promote high standards of educational achievement. Whilst the day to day operational management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher, Mrs P Vaughan, she is accountable to the Governing Body for the conduct of the school.

The aim of the Governing Body is therefore to work in close partnership with the Head Teacher and staff to provide the best possible education for pupils in the school. The Governing Body has a strategic role of setting the framework within which the school is run; setting the aims, objectives and policies for the school; also setting targets and monitoring and reviewing progress; acting as a “critical friend”; and monitoring the expenditure of the school budget. The Governors also have to be accountable. This Report to parents is an important means of achieving that accountability.

As a general rule, no Governor acts an individual. All decisions are therefore made by the Governors jointly, or alternatively by Committees where specific functions or powers have been delegated to them.

The Governors operate a system of sub-committees which have agreed remits and Terms of Reference and aim to report back each term to the full Governing Body. Each sub-committee manages, supports and oversees different areas of school life, including Finance; Admissions; Curriculum and Standards; Premises and H&S; Staffing and Personnel; and Ethos, Well being and Safeguarding. In addition, ad hoc Working Groups are set up as required to look into particular issues and make recommendations back to the full Governing Body. Over the last year seven new Governors have been appointed, so individual roles and responsibilities are still being developed and reviewed.

Name Re/Appointed Term Expires

Founding Governors

Father David Morris Ex Officio Ex Officio
Mrs Jan Rees Sept 2019 Sept 2023
Mrs Gwyneth Thomas Sept 2019 Sept 2023
Dr Leonard Parfitt Jan 2019 Jan 2023
Mrs Leanne Popham Sept 2019 Sept 2023
Mr Grant Edwards Sept 2018 Sept 2022
Mrs Jayne Drummond May 2019 May 2023
Mrs Beccie Morteo May 2018 May 2022

Parent Governor

Dr Catherine Stone May 2021 May 2025

Teacher Governor

Mrs Emma Harris Sept 2020 Sept 2024

Non Teacher Governor

Mrs Amanda Baker May 2019 May 2023

Vale of Glamorgan Governors

Mr Michael Hughes Nov 2019 Nov 2023

Minor Local Authorty Governor (Welsh St. Donats Community Council)

Mrs Hilary Hanmer Sept 2018 Sept 2022


Mrs P Vaughan Ex Officio Ex Officio

Governing Body Minutes

Minutes 13th September 2017

Minutes 15th November 2017

Minutes 5th February 2018

The Church-in-Wales is the founding body of the school and therefore appoints the majority of governors. The constitution also provides for Governors to be elected by the staff and by parents and for two to be appointed by the local authority and community council. At least two of Foundation Governors must be parents of children in the school.

The 13 governors have a wide variety of experience and expertise which they bring to the important role of school governor. All school Governors undertake to uphold the Nolan “Seven Principles of Public Life” and should also comply with the “Principles of Conduct for Governors of Schools in Wales”.

Pendoylan CIWPS